Brighter Way Live
1. 50% of registration fee is due at time of registration for the Brighter way course. This is important because all Brighter Way live surgical programs are only two to eight dentists.
2. Brighter Way’s cancellation fee is $500 up to forty-five (45) days prior to each program. After that date, there will be no refunds issued due to scheduling of patients, anesthesiologists and securing clinic treatment rooms.
3. Brighter Way may cancel courses up to thirty (45) days prior to the first day of the event.
4. The full registration amount will be refunded for courses cancelled by Brighter Way.
5. Brighter Way is not responsible for travel costs incurred for cancelled courses. Please take this into consideration when scheduling flight and hotel arrangements.
6. All attending dentists must be U.S licensed and in good standing to receive a temporary Arizona dental license.
7. All dentists must have a temporary Arizona dental license issued by the Arizona dental board. This temporary license is good for 14 days over two years.
8. Attending dentists are covered under the good Samaritan act in Arizona. Brighter Way requires that each attending dentist notify their malpractice insurance provider about the program.
9. The number of implants or procedures are not guaranteed due to the different level of clinical skill and experience by the attending dentists. Brighter Way will do everything possible to ensure that each doctor experience multiple surgical procedures.
10. Brighter Way recommends that each attending dentist bring an assistant to the program.